
Professional development courses for manual therapists including Physiotherapists, Osteopaths, Chiropractors etc.

CPD Training Courses

We always like to encourage a relaxed teaching environment, that opens up discussion and learning. Please see some highlights from our courses. If you have any questions about our courses please contact us via the Contact Us page or email


Medical Acupuncture / Dry Needling



Ever wondered what all that coloured tape is on athletes and other sports?
Want to know about how different tapes have different functions?
Want to learn more about Gripit and Strapit tapes?
Then our taping courses are for you.
Learn how using different tapes and techniques can compliment healing and recovery as part of your treatment and rehab plans.

Taping Course

TMJ Course

Spinal HVT Course

Expectant Mothers Course

Peripheral HVT Course

TMJ and the Upper Cervical Spine

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